Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Conversation with God...(Revisited)

October 26, 2010- I never knew why God put this on my heart to share a couple years ago but it seems this is perfect timing for me...let me be honest as I read this tears came to my eyes because where I was then and where I am now is simply amazing, God has brought me from a place of despair and loneliness to a place where the desperation has turned to a desperate heart for him and his love.

For those of you who have come through a storm or are in the midst of one I want to ensure that our God the one we serve and long for relationship with daily is a God that loves us and hurts when his children hurt, that cries when his children cry. If you don't feel God right now as you are walking through the storm just stop and listen, he is calling out to you, In Matthew 11:28-30 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”.

I pray that as you read this you can feel the love shown to me that one morning as God met me in a desperate moment...Let go as I did that one morning a few years ago, let him heal the pain you feel from a broken heart, let him fill the loneliness and despair you may be feeling, let him comfort you in your times of uncertainty. Stop running, stop trying to do it on your own, just let go and let God...Blessings.

This is the conversation I had with God while out one crisp morning in the Philippines. What follows is what I felt prompted to write about after my talk with God...

Lord I come to you with so much pain, so much regret, so much hurt desperately seeking your face. With tears I am calling on your name I have so much hurt Lord, so much pain and I just want it to stop. I just want it to go away. Lord I have turned away from you so many times when all you wanted me to do was love you wholeheartedly and to seek your will for my life. Lord please forgive me for I have been blinded by my desires, blinded by my need to do everything myself. I want to run Lord; I don't want to deal with this…I just want to run. It would so much easier to….Lord…I am hurting more than anyone can see, more than anyone knows, how do I make it stop? I just want to run, I just want to turn away, Lord give me the strength to keep moving forward and not to turn back into that which tempts me. Lord, help me to keep my eyes on you for you have promised to never leave me nor forsake me. Lord comfort me in this time, give me peace in the midst of this storm. I am crying out to you Lord….Lord do you hear me? Lord, do you see me? Here I am Lord….what do I do, how do I make it stop? How do I move forward from that which once drowned my soul? How do I let go of these desires Lord and seek your will for my life? Lord I am seeking you….

Stop running. Just stop. Do you not feel me? Do you not see my outstretched hand? I am here for you my child. I am here for you to lean on. I am here to love you. Do you not hear me? Just stop running. Just stop. Let me be that comfort for you in the middle of a restless night. As the tears of hurt and pain soak your pillow every night let me dry those tears, let me put my arms around you to comfort you. Let me be that peace for you in the midst of a storm. Do you not believe in my word? For I have told you I will make your sins as white as snow. So just let go of them, I have forgiven you my child. I will give you the peace you seek if you just be still. Just stop. Stop trying to fix everything yourself, stop your worrying for tomorrow is always another day. Cast your cares upon me, I will never let you fail. My Child, my dear child I am here just know that in the midst of your pain, in the midst of your confusion, in the midst of the storm, I will give you peace. Just trust me to guide you not in the world, not in Man. I will be that comfort you so desperately seek; I will be the rock when things are wavering, when things are crumbling around you. Seek me my child and you will find me in the loneliest corner of your heart, in the deepest part of your soul. Just stop my child. Just stop trying to be someone you are not for I have called you to be something greater. Stop struggling. Stop Running. Just stop and let me love you. You are my daughter and I will take care of you, I have you in the palm of my hand and will never let you go, just trust me. I will be there to lift you when you fall I will be there when you have cried your last tear. I will be there to help you understand that I am building you up through the pain. I am here to just help you to understand that I just plain love you. If you seek me you will find me and I promise I will restore you. Listen to me my child for you know my voice just trust me I will restore you.

There was a time in my life where I just felt numb to the things of God, where I felt so far from him because I knew where I was in my life is NOT where God needed me to be, not where God called me to be and so through a gut wrenching event I came to my knees and cried out to the one that knew the emptiness of my heart that knew the deep pain I felt....I pray that as you read my conversation with God that you understand this one thing: NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE IN YOUR WALK WITH HIM...GOD WILL ALWAYS BE THERE....for our God is a God of unconditional love, a God of truth, a God of mercy...I pray that as you read this whatever you may be walking through, whatever may be coming against you that you understand that we are in the midst of a battle for souls. Focus on God and what he has done for your life and know that it says in his word that his plans for you are not to harm you but to prosper you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11-14) Just seek him and you will find him in the midst of whatever you are walking through.

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