Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Learning to Surrender

How do you say goodbye? How do you let go of the one thing you know you just need to walk away from even if it feels comfortable because you have been it in for so long? How do you find the strength to leave? Time and time again I have seen too many situations even in my own life where people have come to that same crossroads financially, physically, emotionally and even mentally  in life, dancing around the same subject of making that decision to just LET GO, knowing that the time has come for decisions to be made, where change in either a friendship, relationship, or job situation HAS to take place in order for you to move on and fulfill your God given purpose. I know we have all been there where we come to a point in our life where we have to do what is right and what is good for our soul, our heart and for our own lives.
In my walk with God, I have recently and “painfully” come to many of these crossroads where decisions had to be made for the sake of moving forward with God and finding peace in my life. Some decisions have been easy as a snap of a finger and some, let me tell you, have proven to be very difficult and to be honest still continue to be very difficult. Lately, I have found myself questioning God’s plan for my life and what it meant I had to completely let go of whether it be a friend you just can’t seem to let go of or walk away from or whether it be a relationship that you know in the long run is “detrimental to your sanity” as people would say. Recently, in my quest to find my way with God I have come to a very difficult crossroads where a decision had to be made where there was no dancing around the subject, not anymore because this time I knew that it was time, time to let go of that which held me back and away from God for so long. I just had to let go, I knew I had to let go I just didn’t know how or where I would find the strength. I mean c’mon lets be honest, often it’s the not wanting to experience the loneliness, the pain, or the uncomfortable feeling that rears its ugly head when the decision of walking away from a detrimental relationship or situation comes about. I mean it is human nature to want to be happy and it is neither your destiny nor purpose to walk around feeling angry, hurt, sad, or depressed. God never called you to a life of sadness nor did he call you to a life bound by sin. There is freedom in walking upright and surrendering your life to God, letting him make the decisions for you, letting him have complete control of your life, directing your paths. But I will be honest no one said it was ever going to be easy. God had promised us that he will make the crooked paths straight as long as you trust in him in everything you do. I mean did you hear that? It clearly states that HE not YOU or I will make our crooked paths straight but him, the one who designed you, the one who knew you before you were designed in your mothers womb.
And still with all this being said the question remains, how do I find the strength to let go? How do I get past the fear of being alone and not being able to handle the hurt when I do decide to do what’s right and finally once and for all just walk away? The answer you may ask? Well here it is in two simple but complicated words. You surrender. No, not give in to the pressures of staying in this relationship/situation because it feels right (even though everything in you is telling you its not) but give in to God’s will for your life. It has promised in the bible that God will never give you more than you can handle, but in order for your crooked paths to be made straight you need to surrender EVERYTHING to God all the hurt, all the fear, all the loneliness, all the anger that this relationship/situation may have caused you unbeknownst to the party involved. You just have to let it go, let the situation go, let the person go, walk away from that which you know is drowning you in a sea of sin, in a sea of bitterness, in a sea of uncertainty and hurt. Just LET IT GO and trust that the one who made you, the one who knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, the one who knows every piece of hair on your head, will bring you through it. Don’t get me wrong I myself am going through and have gone through times where a very hard decision had to be made and I myself have come to the same crossroads over and over again, asking myself the same questions. How do I let go? Where will I find the strength to say enough is enough? How can I give it all to him and trust that he will bring me through it. All it takes is these two words. I surrender. And then you give everything to him and I mean EVERYTHING, turn around and walk the other way. God will take care of the rest, he will be the one to direct your paths and though you may step into a storm at first, there is always the rainbow of God’s promise after the rain has subsided that I can promise you because he has done it for me in every situation I have surrendered to him. Yes, there are still relationships/friendships/situations in my life that I still want to have control of but little by little as I begin to understand God’s character and his promises for me by reading God’s love letter to me, his word, I find the strength to walk away one step at a time day by day and so will you…..

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