Monday, September 20, 2010

A Lesson in Forgiveness

(This was a blog I wrote 3 years ago but has come into play again, its never easy forgiving the people that have hurt you but its a must. God help me forgive those who have hurt me and learn to let it go..Amen!)

It is a type of pain that you never thought you would get over, the deep seeded pain, a pain cause by the unability to forgive, the unability to JUST LET GO. You hold on to this hold on to the anger, and to ever present questions of WHY, why the one person you thought you could trust was the very person to hurt you beyond belief, why the one person you thought you could trust with the secrets of your heart did not honor the trust you put in do you forgive? How do you move on? Better yet can you move on?

The answer???? YES!!!!! How??? By remembering one thing, GOD FORGAVE YOU, our sins washed away by the blood of Jesus as he hung on the cross.

So I am going to be honest with you, I myself have had a hard time lately forgiving those who have hurt me, forgiving those that have "deceived" me, those who have betrayed the trust of a friendship...I have cried many nights out of anger...I have cried many tears out of hurt...I have cried out of betrayal, but I also have done one thing amidst the unbearable hurt, the endless river of tears, I sought God's guidance on how to forgive and this is what he gave me on forgiveness.....

Matthew 6:14- "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men for their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

Harsh verse huh? I thought so too when the Lord gave me this verse to remember every time I thought of the hurt and the anger, I remembered that for the numerous times I have sinned GOD FORGAVE ME, for the numerous time I have gone against his word and broken my promise to serve and honor him by following my own desires, my own heart, GOD FORGAVE ME.

Listen, let me give it to you from a straight forward practical point of view.....What good is holding on to this anger, this bitterness, this hurt doing you? Its not hurting anyone else but yourself and if you continue to allow it to remain in your spirit , eventually it will drown your spirit in feelings of anger and resentment and eventually manifest itself in other areas of your life until you LET IT GO. Yes.... I know you ask.... "How can I forgive after they have hurt me so much?" you ask, "How can I let go of this pain without making them feel the same pain they made me feel?" Listen, you seek God and his direction and let the anger go, let the bitterness go....let God deal with those that have hurt you in his own time, let God deal with those that have come against you in his own time, for this battle is not yours to fight but the Lord's. (2 Chron 20:15) Trust God and he will lead you and help you out of this bitterness and anger you feel as he has helped me. If someone has hurt you go to them and be honest with them as it says in Matthew 18:15 If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. Be honest, let them know they hurt you, talk it out and ALSO ask for their forgivness as well. WHAT?! What do you mean ask for their forgivness??? They were the ones who hurt me, they were the ones that made me cry, they were the one that betrayed my trust? Why should I ask for their forgivness??? That just doesnt make does because think about it, when you were angry at this person,when you felt betrayed by this person did your actions toward this person personify the anger you felt in your heart, have you hurt them unintentionally or intentionally just so they could feel a little of the hurt you felt. Did you ever stop to think maybe just maybe they DON'T KNOW they have hurt you and don't understand why you are now acting as if they don't exist, why you can't even look at them without that look of disgust in your eyes. In all reality, its is easy to hold on to the anger, resentment, and bitterness but it takes a person of strength and character to be able to forgive and let go COMPLETELY. Do your part and do what God ask of you to love and forgive your brother or sister like he has loved and forgave you, and most of all forgive them and let it go....I know of the pain for I have felt that pain that is caused when those you trust have hurt you, I know of the anger for I have felt the anger that is felt when they betray you , I know of the countless tears for I have cried them but I also know of the unconditional love and forgivness God has shown me and continues to show me and with that I press on past the hurt I have felt and have let go of the bitterness and anger that has drowned my spirit for so long but most of all I have learned to show forgiveness....

Lord God, I just want to take the time this morning to say thank you for showing me that all I have to do is let this anger go and let you heal the pain I have felt from a lost friendship brought about by my anger, jealousy, hurt, and bitterness for you have shown me the error of my ways O God and have released me from this pain that I have felt for so long. Lord, I pray for those struggling with completely forgiving those that have hurt them that you give them peace Lord, show them the road to forgiveness, show them that true peace only come from you and from heeding your word, show them that they too must ask for forgiveness when the opportunity arises to mend the broken friendships, to mend broken relationships but God I also ask that you give them a discerning spirit when it comes to these broken relationships, help them to know if these relationships were only for a season Lord God. I ask that you give my brothers and sisters the strength to seek and follow your will when it comes to the different relationships they are building in their lives, should they not be of you Lord but of the enemy I ask that you do not allow these relationships to distract them from your calling on their lives. Lord I love you and pray that you protect me and guide me daily as I continue to walk with you in your grace and mercy. In your precious name AMEN!!!!

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